SharePoint Online is the best platform where you can store, search and manage all important documents related to the organization. You will get SharePoint Online service in Microsoft 365 subscription plan. Although it is a part of Microsoft 365, you can purchase it as a standalone product. Data that are stored in SharePoint can be accessed from any device and any location. A significant time and effort are saved due to the centralized environment of SharePoint Online data storage.

For various reasons, SharePoint online administrator may have to check the storage spaces available in SharePoint. So we are explaining step-by-step procedures to check SharePoint Online storage. You can get information about storage space by using the SharePoint admin center. You can also see the storage metrics in Site Collection Administrator.
How to check available storage space in SharePoint?
- Login to the Office 365 page with the required credentials and click on ‘Admin’ to open Microsoft 365 admin center.
- In Microsoft 365 admin center, select ‘SharePoint’ to open SharePoint Admin Center.
- Now click on ‘Sites’
- Select ‘Active sites’. In the top right corner, you can find the total storage space used by all sites.

See that available storage space which is displayed on the top right corner.

How to set Site storage limits as automatic or manual?
SharePoint admin can see the storage availability in SharePoint.
- In the SharePoint admin center, go to ‘settings’ and click on ‘Site storage limits’.
- The site storage limits page will open. Now you can set it as ‘Automatic’ or ‘Manual’. Click on the Save button.

How to manage individual site storage limit?
Follow these steps to manage individual site storage limits when your storage management option is ‘manual’.
- Go to ‘Active site page’ in the SharePoint admin center, select a particular site and click on edit in storage limit.
- Now you can edit the storage limit as per your requirement. Then save the changes that you have done.

How to check storage metrics of sites in SharePoint?
- Open SharePoint account using Admin credentials. Then you will get the SharePoint home page as shown below.
- Click on the gear icon in the far right corner and then go to ‘Site settings’.
- There are many site collection administration settings, select ‘storage metrics’.
- Now, you can see complete storage information such as Type, Name, Total Size, % of Parent, % of Size Quota, and Last-Modified (date and timings) about Site Collection contents.
- You can check an individual site’s storage metrics by clicking on a site that you wish to see.

Do you know about SharePoint Online migration and backup?

We suggest you to use EdbMails SharePoint Online migration to migrate all your data from one SharePoint account to another. It provides many features like selective items migration, incremental migration, automatic sites mapping, advanced filter options, and many more. Also, you can backup data from SharePoint account for the security of your data. For more information please visit:
SharePoint Online migration:
SharePoint Online data backup: